Thursday, April 17, 2008


有人对我说:美青的关心事工要好好反省 久贤有感而言



预备好心情要回家的我,开始觉得好无辜为何会被人教训一番,就连宵夜也无心情享用; 回到家里,顿时安静下来, 好好反复思想怎么给人逮着了呢?心有万分的不甘,哈..一边打骂一边大笑,两个外甥以为我在做方言祷告呢。



前一阵子,一些少团的升团契友晋级到青团一两个周又打回头gear 回少团。
这是为什么呢? 真的是我们的关心工作不好吗?


1 回头的一些少年则是因为他们要回去为少团的导师
2 一些少年人却认为青团的查经很纳闷,不习惯,还是回到活力的少团为妙。




vincent replies,

let see, it sounds like the situation when paul wrote the letter to the eight early churches. if we think carefully, both side have problems, and it seems that there are no enough communication in church.whenever problems come, plz share and help each other, else the church will not grow. all these fellowship are held to help the growth of church. no blaming should be made when problems occur, but help .most important thing is god's will, his word. not our wish, our command. for me, i think that youth fellowship (qin1 tuan2), is another stage to understand god's word more clearly. youth fellowship also very energetic and fun. if this gp of people think that youth is not energetic,

then i hope they will come to our fellowship automatically and spread their energetic cells to us. when i just came to youth, i receive lots of help from the elder brother and sister. in the second year in youth fellowship, i wish to help with what i have learned. advice to the group of friend, when u face problems, never turn back and avoid to solve the problem. stand out, dig your mind and solve whatever problem in front of you withe help of our God's mighty hand,
not our small weak hand.

what ever things out there, we follow what god wants us to do, not our wish to do what we want.we learn to be mature, we do not always study in high school. there will be college, university in front. looking forward friend. be mature.on the other hand to my beloved friend in youth, never feel bad with our mistake. think what is the best we can do to get the win win situation. haha... alteration is always possible to get the correct way.may god help us. may god give us the wisdom. all the best to you guys and never give up.

谢谢vincent 的回应,我们青团相信上帝会指引我们,关心少年人不是一朝一夕的事功,我们会努力。我们目前需要更多弟兄姐妹出来加强我们关心的事功。感谢主,大家近期都努力的同心合一的建着我们关心的桥梁,牧师也在默默支持我们,唯盼我们不会跌入保罗说的不合一教会。。

Anonymous said:
In my opinion, psychological and characteristic needs contributed to the existing factor...for example Christians with the urge to pursue God's teachings and offering their services with touches of entertainment galore will definitely side with the teenage sides (shao4 tuan2); Christian who are more youth-wise in a sense that they prefer to be more laid-back than teenagers in their attitude and wanting to serve God with a more mature touch will of course prefer mei ann youth fellowship (mei3 qing2).

Take me for example, i'm not the kind that utilises too many fun and entertainment as a way to serve God. I prefer to be more laid-back; paper work, computering services, sermons and so forth. Even though i used to be in shao tuan for only a very short period of time (an embarassing 3 months), i already know just well enough on how it operates as a fellowship. During my urge to return to fellowship life a few years ago, I could be considering entertainment as a path in serving God but then the problem is that i seemed to have grown out of a growing phase where i could enjoy and having as much fun as how the teenagers did (trust me, that feeling is real bad). That's why i elected to forfeit the idea of joining shao tuan and instead joined mei qing last year, BECAUSE I KNOW MEI QING'S LIFE SUITS ME BETTER. My point in discussing all of these is not to condemn the operating methods of shao tuan's fellowship (immature or whatever in some people's eyes), but to emphasize more on how differences in characteristics and attitudes can shape the decision of newly-promoted teenagers into mei qing to reverse back into their life as committees of shao tuan.

My sincere advice is to not draw focuses too much on the negativities of whoever that launched the complaints on mei qing. Focus on the positives. It's true to condemn that mei qing still requires various improvements to make it more attractive to newly-promoted teenagers, but you can't deny the fact that some of them still prefer the life of shao tuan. Our job as committees of mei qing and mei qing members is to ensure constant growth and maturity of our own fellowship, so we should take this experience as a learning path that will strenghten the way we operate the fellowship. After all, NOBODY said that population is important in a fellowship; personally i feel that it's also the teens' freedom to choose which fellowships they prefered. It's a democratic world after all...they have done nothing wrong.On a last note, i do believe that if shao tuan has their own attractive aura, then mei qing surely has. If no, then CREATE one!!

XDWith love, James P.S: Hopefully no teenage exiles of mei qing r offended by my comment

admin lau replies,

thanks for sharing ur opinion from the point of psychological and characteristic, i believe qing tuan will work hard on it, it is a very good sharing, ms aheyako.

lau replies,

I am sorry. James is the one who shared the above message. I would like to thank James for ur sharing.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


13.04.08 美青邀请卡