正月一十三的寻找美食记得当天崇拜好之后,我们就在家鑫弟兄的提议下去美里的open air 来寻找美食,以走路的行程只需几分钟而已。
美里的open air 有许多选择,不过看到一些人只拿经济饭,心里在笑着说:
“A Hia, 寻找美食,却只拿了经济饭,嘻嘻。。。”
看到友其了没有? 眼睛睁得实在大,是否他看到很棒的东西?
绍希很会找吃,不知去哪一个摊子找到了ABC, 看起来不错, 不知其味如何?所以呢, 绍希,秀珊,家鑫还有当天的契友们,若你们参阅了这个博客后,你们要尽快回复博客,说出你们的寻找美食感言哟。
Vincent said:
haha....i think i have forgotten to thank you for setting up this blog, so that i could know what is happening in our fellowship back in miri. haha...and, i was shocked bout that we actually have to be so strict to get the opportunity to write in this blog. haha... there are something which u can improve in here, like attaching one comment box, in stead of asking to comment on every blog news.
Lau replied:
Dear vincent, tq for ur suggestion. I am please to hearing from u. Unfortunately,the blogspot that we use is free of charge. Ha,ha,ha, we cannot afford to have our own host, therefore we had to follow the death template given by blogger hoster who supplies the free host for our blog,"ta wa xi", so far we are using the template by the moment until we get the better host.It's also our pleasure when we get knew u respond severely to our blog, just keep on sharing your feeling through the comments athough the comment sometimes requires many steps and we are apologizing if it brings any incovenient to u.So, just be patient. May God bless u.